How To Motivate Your Dog

Canine Communication Basics Have you ever wondered how to communicate with your dog? Maybe you want them to listen to you, or be more obedient to your wishes. In order to do this, you need to get inside their head. How do you do this? By tapping into their motivational drives. At the most basic […]

Dog Daycare Evaluation Process

In part one of our dog daycare series, we discussed the different types of daycare options for your pooch. Today, we’ll review specific questions to ask before you hand over the leash. Vaccination Requirements Aside from rabies, what other vaccines does the facility require? DHPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, and Parvovirus) and Bordatella are common ones, and […]

Dog Daycare Types

Picture this: your dog is bored at home, and won’t stop chewing the furniture. Stuffed Kongs don’t hold their attention, and they’ve interrupted your latest Zoom call by barking for the last time. They need mental and physical stimulation, and your work schedule simply isn’t allowing you to devote the necessary time to your dog. […]

How To Choose A Dog Trainer

A question that I’m often asked is “how do you choose a dog trainer?” The answer to this question depends on a number of factors, which we’ll cover in this post. At a high level, you’ll want a trainer who takes a balanced approach, and whose philosophy aligns with yours. They also need to communicate […]

How To Teach Your Dog To Walk On A Loose Leash

Have you taken your dog for a walk, only to have your shoulder dislocated as they chase after a squirrel? Do you sometimes feel like you’re in your own version of the Iditarod with your pup? We’re here to help! Today, we’ll cover a few simple tips to help you and your dog get in […]

Socializing Your Puppy

So you’ve brought home a new puppy – Congratulations! Now the fun starts! Aside from potty training, one of the most crucial things you need to do is socializing your puppy. Most resources encourage you to allow your puppy to interact with other dogs. Here at Dogology University, we take a different approach that’s more relationship-based, […]

Training Canine Separation Anxiety

Over my 10 years of dog training experience, I’ve helped a number of dogs overcome their separation anxiety. This is a complex process that takes a long time, and requires the help of a trained professional. At a high level, you need to find your dog’s threshold, desensitize them, and counter-condition their response to your departure. If […]

Canine Separation Anxiety

Has your dog ever chewed up the furniture, or soiled in the house when you leave them alone? This could be due to boredom, or it could be due to separation anxiety. Canine separation anxiety is triggered when dogs become upset due to the fact that they are separated from the people they’re attached to. […]

Prevent Dog Boredom When They’re Home Alone

As we prepare to go back to work, our dogs will have to get used to a “new normal” of being home alone all day. Most dogs will be ok with this, and will take the opportunity to catch a well-deserved nap. In fact, dogs can sleep up to 20 hours per day. For the […]

How To Calm A Fearful Dog

Every day, dogs encounter obstacles in their world that cause them anxiety. These can include loud noises such as thunder, other people, other dogs, smooth floors, storm grates, car rides, etc. Our tips will help calm a fearful dog.  A fearful dog can be a challenge to handle, as it is difficult to take them […]